Membership in the NICWRT

Membership in the Civil War Round Table of Northern Illinois is open to anyone. Registration information is below:

Note: Dues currently (2024) not being charged.

Current Dues:

Family, $55 per year. Individual, $45. Student, $5. Sustaining, $ __. Sustaining membership is for those who'd like to contribute to the NICWRT any payment over and above the normal rates. This extra amount is completely voluntary.
Membership includes the monthly newsletter. You can save $5 on your membership by opting for the newsletter to be sent to you via email.

Make check payable to Northern Illinois Civil War Round Table (NICWRT).

The NICWRT year is from July 1 to June 30 of the succeeding year. New members joining between January 1 and June 30 need pay only one-helf of the above rates.

Submit the dues, with your name, address, zip, phone and email address to:

Pat McCormick